I am the happiest…for him

This afternoon, we went to Khobar for our exit interview. The interview went well but I haven't hear any clear answer if I can go home on the date I wanted or not. Good thing, when we go down after the inteview, I was very giddy when I saw my Doctor at the headquarters area.... Continue Reading →

Selfie stick for 3SAR

27/10/17, Friday: We started walking at 5:15pm and only planned to go in the park... But Ate Edna (suddenly) thought that U-mart shop is just along the road and it was near in that park. We proceeded, but never do we know that it was almost 3kms away from the park. We almost give up... Continue Reading →

A letter to my dearest Doctor

I have'nt been able to write a letter for so long, but I decided to made one yesterday for the person that is worth to receive one. I read this letter infront of the employees (Doctors, nurses, receptionists, and other staffs) for the "Maasalama Party"/Farewell Party we prepared for my Doctor. But here is my... Continue Reading →

My Doctor is leaving πŸ’”

I was expecting my Doctor to come back (from vacation) on the 19th of October. I already prepared his cast models, drawers, cabinets and repouched all his instruments before he comes back... But on the night of Oct. 9, Ate Edna told me "I have a news, your Doctor will come back tomorrow", but I... Continue Reading →

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